chickens – our gateway farm animal

chicks So after all getting settled in to the new place we decided the only reasonable thing to do was to get chickens – you know, since we don’t have much else going on – we thought adding 4 more living things to take care of was a good idea. Truthfully, it’s our dream to live on a farm one day with the works, cows, goats, pigs, chickens, a giant garden. If we want the dream farm we have to start somewhere. We’ve been wanting to get chickens since I found out you could have them in the city, we’ve just been waiting for the right place and now that we have one – chicken it is!on our wayWe finally had our first weekend together as a family and so we loaded up and headed to the feed store to pick up some chicks. Everly was so excited, we had been talking about ‘chichens’ all week.first peekso many chicksSo many to choose from! We picked four and brought them home. Our main criteria was a ‘quiet breed’ to keep the neighbors happy. Ok, color coordination might have had something to do with it too – because I’m always a little bit aware of aesthetics.chickens in a boxI think Everly forgot about the chicks by the time we got home because all she wanted to do was hold the chirping box. But then… so excited!She was so excited to hold them. That all changed once they started flapping their wings, then she was content to just pet them and watch from a safe distance. peekingShe loves her new ‘birdies’. We can’t wait for delicious fresh eggs!chick fuzzThis handsom guy was a part of the fun too. I think his fluffy hair resembles the chicks, what do you think?

This time last year | Everly stands! | | office chalkboard | | double coconut muffins | | bunting tutorial |


Life as of late has been sweet.jammie love

It has also been chaotic, exhausting, full of laughter and tears, a little scary, so exciting and it hasn’t slowed down. Not for a single second and we are loving it. My camera has been pushed to the side, replaced by my phone and we have been living off the stock of freezer dinners that I made before the chaos began.

Here’s a little insight: The day before Canaan was born we got the keys to our new place. A mid-century ranch-style home that was desperately in need of someone to bring it into this decade. So, for the last two months not only have we been learning how to be a family of four, we have also been demoing, designing, painting and constructing our little hearts out. Praise the Lord for all of our willing and very helpful friends and family! I can’t wait to show you pictures, this place has come a long way! We are finally all moved in and while there is still so much work to do, it feels like home. In fact its only been two weeks it feels more like home than any other place we’ve lived. I love it!

There are pictures to come but for now, happy weekend!

This time last year | poppyseed muffins | | quick sweater makeover | | bbq chicken pizza | | paper hydrangea tutorial |