mid winter pick-me-up: short but oh-so-sweet!


In light of yesterday’s post I’m making effort to find the sweet side of things. And these beautiful citrus treats are making my job very easy! Around this time of year us North Westerners grow weary of the rain and cold but winter also brings citrus season! One of our family favorites are these amazing ruby-red grapefruits. Aren’t they gorgeous! So sweet, so refreshing and will certainly brighten even the dreariest of days! Like summer time in your mouth. I gave mine just a light dusting of vanilla sugar. mmm

sugary sprinkles

And one more thing to make you smile. Baby girl LOVES to chew on tags. If a toy or anything else has a tag, she will find it and put it in her mouth.

eating tags

But without fail, it always makes her do this.

tastes so bad

and this

so so bad

every time.

another tag face