until spring comes

That’s right! Snow again and I still love it!

Trust me, I am just as excited to see spring as the next North-westerner. There is a yard full of flowers just waiting to bloom outside my window. I long for longer days of sunshine, birds chirping and after dinner family walks. But you will never find me complaining about another snow day! It could snow in the middle of July and it would still bring me excitement and joy!

It has literally been snowing ALL day and I loved every second of it!

baby’s first snow day

I had plans of sharing a new banana bread recipe with you today but plans change. Today’s plan changed because…

We had a snow day! I absolutely love the snow! If it could snow all the way up until summer I would be one happy girl. Snow makes everything quiet and beautiful and I seems like life slows down for a bit. It makes me want to bundle up, sip coffee all day long, build a fire, curl up with a blanket and read. The snow is mesmerizing to me, I could just sit by a window and watch it come down for hours!snowySo pretty!

Snow day even came with a special delivery from my mom.special deliveryLiving in the same neighborhood definitely has its perks!

I got so excited about the snow that I woke the little one, bundled her up and rushed her outside for her first snow day. OK, so this isn’t technically baby’s first snow but it is the first time she has been in the snow. Don’t tell her doctor – she is still sick. I couldn’t wait to see what she thought of it! Let me tell you, thus far, she’s not a fan. Apparently snow love is not something you’re born with.

baby's first snowI guess I can see where she’s coming from. Its hard to sit up in a snow suit and snow face plants are way worse than regular face plants. We’ll work on it.

seriously mom?

really mom...really?

This weekend I’ll be working on a new banana bread recipe and hopefully I’ll have the perfect one to share with you on Monday! Have a great weekend!