just before the little guy comes

sela photographyOur friend Tara who is a wonderful photographer gifted us a family photo shoot as a shower gift. We finally got to take her up on it a few weeks ago and it was the perfect gift! Luckily we got to squeeze it in before both of our babies came! (She is due just two days before me!) She did an amazing job, Everly was less than thrilled about the shoot but you certainly can’t tell from the photos! Thanks so much Tara! AND thank you to my parents who gifted us the actual photos. We are one spoiled family!

Photos via Sela Photography _DSC0640everly 4 photosdefinitely not lacking in the facial expression department_DSC0716 _DSC1021this girl loves to knock _DSC0734_DSC1041 desert boots to match daddy_DSC1054besties_DSC1080 _DSC1115scared face

baby month

nestingbaby monthJust after Christmas it finally hit me, we’re having a baby in less than a month! I finally had to kick my pregnant mind into gear because up until that point absolutely NO preparations had taken place to welcome the little guy into our lives. So while you have experienced a bit of silence for me over the last few weeks, I can assure you it has been everything but silent over here! There has been laundry FOR DAYS, freezer meal prep, re-organizing, crafting, cleaning, more cleaning, and nesting, nesting, nesting! Yeesh! My mind has been going a thousand miles a minute every.single.day. But I am pretty sure we can say that we are prepared for baby number two and now all we have to do is wait. I can only assume that things will continue to be a bit quiet around these parts as we welcome baby boy home but I do have a couple of tutorials that I am pretty excited to share with you so if he decides to postpone his arrival you might get to see a few soon! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!for the boy{Felt garland will be available in my shop soon! Burp cloth tutorial found here}

baby it’s cold outside

Screen Shot 2012-12-10 at 8.25.26 PMI wouldn’t say that I’m a Christmas music fanatic. I mean, I like Christmas music I’m just pretty picky and therefore can’t just leave a Christmas station playing in the background all day. You really never know what you’re going to get. Yeesh! But this, this is good Christmas music. Download the song for free here. It will make a great addition to your Christmas playlist you can be sure it’s on mine!